Your Agreement with Us
You have entered an agreement with Curtin Heritage Living on a lease-for-life basis under the Retirement Villages Act. This means that you can stay in your home for as long as you wish unless it is no longer safe for you.
Your agreement outlines the premise of your stay with us, your rights of accommodation and the rules relating to your home. It is important that you are familiar with your rights and obligations.
Resident Committee
A resident committee exists for the purpose of consulting with management as a collective group. The resident committee:
- Promotes and maintain friendly and good neighbourly relations among all residents
- Provides a common voice for communication with Curtin Heritage Living
- Contribute to the establishment of resident rules
- Provides input into operating (recurrent charge) budgets
Members of the committee must be a licensee of a nominated apartment.
Curtin Heritage Living manages the administration of all meetings and will distribute copies of all meeting minutes to residents.
Resident Meetings
Curtin Heritage Living may call a meeting with residents from time to time. We will provide email or written notice of the meeting and circulate minutes of each meeting.
Resident Rules
The resident committee can set the rules of the facility, as long as they comply with the procedures and processes of Curtin Heritage Living and relevant laws and standards.
There are separate rules set by Curtin Heritage Living for various areas, such as common rooms and the pool, that are based on safety. These rules are posted in each area.
Recurrent Charges
Curtin Heritage Living will, at least one month before the commencement of each financial year, set an operating budget in consultation with residents that is used to pay for the day-to-day maintenance and running of Waterfront Cottesloe. This includes any government charges or rates, common area water and electricity charges, common area insurances, maintenance, gardening, and staff wages.
Residents will then pay recurrent charges based on the operating budget via fortnight direct debit.
The rules regarding recurrent charges are detailed in your agreement with us.
Reserve Fund
You are required to contribute to a reserve fund that is used to pay or substantial repairs, replacement, and maintenance of Waterfront Cottesloe, including common areas, apartments, and facilities.
Residents will contribute to the reserve fund via fortnightly direct debit.
The rules regarding the reserve fund are detailed in your agreement with us.
Absence and Leave
If you are planning to be away from your home for extended periods, you are required to notify us. We also need to know if a family member or friend is going to look after your apartment while you are away.
Access to your Home in an Emergency
We may require access to your apartment to carry our emergency repairs. We will make every effort to ensure suitable notice is provided before we enter your apartment and where possible arrange for consultation prior.
Choice and Decision Making
All residents have the same right as any other citizen to make choices and decisions. We will work with you wherever possible to ensure that choices are respected unless it is dangerous or adversely affects others.
If you become unable to make decisions because of a medical condition, the right to make decisions may fall on the person you nominate, or a loved one.
You can legally nominate someone as your enduring power of attorney if the decisions relate to money, or a guardian if the decisions relate to medical, accommodation or lifestyle decisions. We may need evidence of guardianship in order to implement some requests from a representative of a resident.
We can assist you to obtain a power of attorney or guardian who can make decisions on your behalf should you ever be unable to make them on your own. This person cannot be employed by Curtin Heritage Living.
Effective communication between management and residents is vital. If you have a concern or issue, we ask that you speak to us. Our independent living manager is available Monday to Friday during office hours.
We will endeavour to ensure all residents remain are informed about issues relating to Waterfront Cottesloe. Our goal is to maintain professional relationships with our residents and encourage workable relationships between residents. To do this, accurate, appropriate, and timely communication is essential.
All written queries will be acknowledged within 10 working days, with a response issued within 15 days. In the event of a longer response time than nominated, the Manager will verbally keep the resident informed of any updates or changes.
Comments, Complaints and Compliments
We are committed to providing a quality service based on the needs and preferences of our residents and has systems in place that ensure quality through “continuous improvement”.
We have an open-door policy should you wish to comment, raise a concern, compliment, or complaint. You are invited to discuss any concern with a manager at any stage.
We have a formal process to manage disputes. This process is outlined in your agreement with us.
We may also ask you to participate in surveys and audits. These are valuable tools in finding out what we do well, and what can be improved.
If you feel that you need external assistance to help you address your concerns, you can contact an independent organisation established to protect the rights of older Australians.
Personal Details
We ask that you provide us with details regarding your health, next of kin and emergency contacts. This information helps us to meet you needs, even when you are unable to tell us what you want.
Privacy and Confidentiality
You have a right to personal privacy. You have the choice of not allowing people to enter your home (unless in an emergency).
We will keep information about you and your family confidential and we will make all effort to ensure personal records are secure. It is also your responsibility to keep any information you may learn about another resident confidential.
We will generally only give information to you or your next of kin, and others involved in your life with your consent to ensure your privacy.
Please feel free to ask for a copy of our privacy and confidentiality procedure, or our privacy statement. You can also access our privacy statement at www.curtinheritage.com.au/privacy.
Alcohol and Drugs
You can enjoy the safe and legal consumption of alcohol in your apartment and nominated activity areas.
We do not, however, encourage anti-social behaviour that may arise from alcohol or drug use and ask that you refrain from excessive alcohol intake.
The use of illicit drugs is strictly prohibited.
Smoking is not permitted in common areas of the facility, including balconies.
You may smoke in your home as long as it does not affect any neighbours.
Gifts & Donations
We have a policy in place that asks you not provide gifts to team members to ensure your security. Please contact a manager if you would like to give a gift to an individual or the home.
As a registered charity, Curtin Heritage Living can accept donations, and these will be tax deductable to you. We only use funds that are donated on the provision of improved services and amenities to residents.
Visitors and Guests
Visitors are required to follow the same rules that our residents agree to on entry. They must always follow the instruction of staff.
Visitors or family intending to stay for periods longer than 7 days require approval by Management. This helps to maintain security and assist with evacuation in an emergency.
It is the resident’s responsibility to ensure visitors and guests are aware of the resident guidelines and are respectful of these at all times. Guests or visitors should be accompanied by a resident when using any community facilities.
For more information, or to arrange a private consultation, register your details or phone (08) 9382 7555.
Private appointments available
We can meet with you in person, or remotely via video calls on your phone or the internet. Call us today.